Kurento Media WebRTC Subscriber

WebRTC Subscriber configured for Kurento Media Server.

Note: Not a live demo, server configuration is just for example. For live working example try the Millicast Publisher and Subscriber example. Or AWS Kinesis Publisher and Subscriber example.

WebRTC Subscriber configuration for Kurento Media Server. The endpoint for the demo backend service is one2many.

Supplied is a java backend spring service. Offering the one2many web socket application. Which talks to the Kurento server using the Kurento client API.

   <div class="flex w-full">
          <div id="kurento-subscriber" class=""></div>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  	var player = flowplayer("#kurento-subscriber", {
    "clip": {
        "live": true,
        "sources": [
                "src": "C6Lx6ku6FEXgKtt",
                "type": "application/webrtc"
    "rtc": {
        "applicationName": "one2many",
        "channelName": "kurentodata",
        "dataChannel": true,
        "dataSubscriber": true,
        "iceServers": [
                "urls": [
        "server": "kurento",
        "serverURL": "rtc.electroteque.org:8444"
    "share": false